Outreach (Press, Media, Schools, Public Events, Industries)
- 13 March 2024 : Chercheurs à l´ecole
- 01 March 2024 : Invited talk at Casino Luxembourg
- 19 January 2024 : Christoph Schommer: Auf dem Weg zum Autonomen Fahren, Letzebuerger Land, pages 42-43
- 19 December 2023: Organisation : Debate Series LetsTalk100 : AI FOR OUR FUTURE - ARE WE ON THE RIGHT TRACK? With my guests: Prof. Dr. Florian Feltes, Zortify, Luxembourg, Prof. Dr. Valérie Schafer, University of Luxembourg, Prof. Dr. Lukas Sosoe, University of Luxembourg, Dr. Emilia Tantar. Moderator: Dr. Nora Schleich.
- 30 November 2023 : Talk and Round Table Discussion, organised by FEDAS - Fédération des acteurs du secteur social au Luxembourg asbl. Contact: Julia Maria Zimmermann, Responsable du centre de formation.
- 13 November 2023: House of Training, Luxembourg: "Artificial Intelligence and Banking".
- 6 October 2023: Invited Talk "Anwendungen von KI", Rotary Club Gummersbach-Oberberg.
- 3 October 2023: Round Table Discussion: Aperitalk: Artificial Intelligence: Threat or Opportunity? Foyer Européen, 10 Rue Heinrich-Heine, Luxembourg-Ville. Organised by members of the European Investment Bank.
- 27 September 2023: Interview + Filming "Letz AI, déi éischt Lëtzebuerg, déi mat Fotoen schaffter A.I". Fabienne Zwally. RTL TV.
- 14 September 2023. Participation with our Pepper and Robodog to the 20th Birthday University With his Royal Highness Henry, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Minister of Higher Education and Research Claude Meisch, and others).
- 11 September 2023. Interview by Séverine Goffin, L’Essentiel : “J`ai integré l`Université juste deux jours après sa création”
- 1 September 2023: Invited Panel Member. Zortify Summer School Summit.
- 25 August 2023: invited discussion by the Ministry of Economy, Luxembourg: EU AI Act
- 19 July 2023: my PhD candidate Yasaman Yousefi wins the St. Gallen EU AI Act challenge
- 13 July 2023: invited visit by the management board at SERV - Swiss Export Risk Insurance, Zurich.
- 03 July 2023: RTL The Lisa Burke Show. Guests: Bob Reuter, Frédéric Clavert, Martin, Christoph Schommer.
- 28 June 2023: Les apprentissages face aux defis de l'intelligence artificielle Round Table, organised by Chambre de Commerce.
Contact : Bérengère Beffort, Alexandra Tosello, Senior Advisor. - 26 June 2023: Nogefrot: Kënschtlech Intelligenz: Wat sinn d'Virdeeler, wou leien d'Risiken, brauch et international Reegelen? Video + Interview with Cédric Ferry. RTL Letzebuerg. see https://www.rtl.lu/news/tech-world/a/2071842.html
- 15 June 2023: Opening speech: Exhibition / Art Collections by Prof Manuela Naveau, Ars Electronica Linz and University of Arts, Linz, Austria.
- 8 June 2023: RTL TV interview and filming: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Auswirkungen auf den Arbeitsmarkt. Mit Cédric Ferry. (the interview has been published a by 26 June 2023 in Luxembourgish language).
- 23 May 2023: Invited TechTalk / Price WaterhouseCoopers (PwC): The One on Generative AI. Contact: Carla Guerreiro dos Santos and Armin Prljaca.
- 17 May 2023: invited talk at Centre Hospitalier Luxembourg. Host: Dr Martina Degiorgis. Slides:
- 16 May 2023: Meeting with Frank Heemskerk, Telenet, about DoctorMe - see http://www.doctor-me.eu/)
- 25 April 2023, 09h00 - 10h00: Angscht viru Kënschtlecher Intelligenz? Live Radio / Radio 100,7
- 21 April 2023, 11h00 - 12h00: Moderating a Book Launch by Dr Lorella Viola: '
The Humanities in the Digital: Beyond Critical Digital Humanities ' More information is available here: https://a.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-16950-2 - 17 April 2023: Kënschtlech Intelligenz: Wat, wéi, wéini? Wissenschaft in Luxembourg by FNR science.lu: Michèle Weber, Jean-Paul Bertemes (FNR)
- 16 April 2023: 'Wie man KI-generierte Bilder erkennt' by Laura Bannier, Luxemburger Wort.
- 16 April 2023: ''Voici comment reconnaître une image créée par l'intelligence artificielle" by Laura Bannier, Virgule.lu
- 16 April 2023: RTL TV : PISA, de Wessensmagazin
- 29 March 2023. Interview by Laura Bannier, Luxemburger Wort : Midjourney: how can you recognise generated photos?
- 27 March 2023. AI & Arts & chatGPT. Interview by RTL. With Olivier Catani.
- 14 March 2023: Chercheurs à l'école. LAML Luxembourg. With Sophie Klecker, Ministry of the Economy. Back to the roots 😉
- 28 February 2023: Interview with Heledd Pritchard, Luxembourg Times / International baccalaureate pupils will be able to use chatGPT for their essays.
- 16 February 2023: Interview with Uwe Hentschel, Luxemburger Wort, Economy: AI for the labor market.
- 15 February 2023; Interview with Olivier Catani, RTL (TV) Luxembourg in view of the PISA de Wëssensmagazin.
- 9 February 2023. Press article by science.lu. Michele Weber: chatGPT: Hype oder Revolution in der KI? Fragen an die Experten.
- 18 January 2023: Press article by Laura Bannier: Dans l'art, l'utilisation de l'IA est un avantage. Luxemburger Wort (as of 7 February 2023; article in French).
- 17 January 2023: Press Interview 'chatGPT' with Sarah Raparoli and Lex Kleren, Letzebuerger Journal: Die KI-Herausforderung (as of 27 January 2023, article in German).
- 20 December 2022: Press Interview 'ChatGPT - Fluch oder Segen für Schule und Arbeit?' by Sebastien Weisbrodt, Luxemburger Wort
- AIFA 2022 - More information: see aifa.uni.lu
- 28 November 2022: JAIFA
- 24 November 2022: We had the honour and pleasure to welcome a small group of 15 people from WIDE - Women in Digital Empowerment (Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition) as guests at the AI&Art Pavilion
- 05 October 2022: visit of 60 members of Arcus, a non-profit association founded in Luxembourg that has been working with children, young people and families for more than 60 years in the social, educational, pedagogical and therapeutic fields.
- 16 + 18 September. Portes Ouvertes and Opening of the 'Petite Maison', University of Luxembourg.
- 5-7 September: ->Understanding minds - German Cognitive Society.
- 05 July 2022. Interview by Effi Tramountani, Master Student at University of Tübingen - 'Foundations of Machine Learning' research group ', Prof. Dr. Robert C. Williamson, about "Data, Data collection and maintenance and Data responsibility".
- Remix Culture. Exhibtion, Prof. Manuela Naveau & Team, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria, and Ars Electronica.
- 28 June 2022. Talk "Interpreting Analysis Results", First Luxembourg Workshop on Epistemology and Artificial Intelligence.
- 21 June 2022. Interview with students from École Sainte Sophie, Luxembourg: "Mensch und Maschine".
- 07 June 2022. Visit of Prof. Tim Landgraf, FU Berlin.
- 02 June 2022. AI&Arts Pavilion meets Industry. Welcome Speech and Host: visit of
40 members of the Business Club Belgium-Luxembourg (BCBL) and the Belgian Business Club Luxembourg (BBCL) as well as H.E. Stephan Müller, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Belgium and H.E. Thomas Lambert, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Luxembourg. - 18 May 2022. Welcome Speech and Host. Exhibition 'Imaginary Landscapes' (Artist: Sergio Albiac), Arts and Deep Learning.
- 13 April 2022. AI & Art: Can A Robot Dance The Dying Swan? See report in
Silicon Luxembourg here - 15 March 2022 Event: Chercheurs à l’école. Lecture at LAM - Lycée des Arts et des Métiers. Invitation by the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).
- 03 March 2022 Event: Talk at Inauguration REMIX Esch2022 - University of Luxembourg projects, Pitch and Panel. Invited by Prof Stéphane Pallage, Rector of the University.
- 06 December. Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony and Kick-off Meeting of ZLAIRE - Zheijiang-Luxembourg Joint Research on AI, Robotics, and Reasoning. See slides 'AI & Arts Pavilion Esch 2022 Cultural Capital of Europe! Cultural Capital of Europe'
- 30 November 2021. Interview: Esch2022 – REMIX Festival – The AI & Art Pavillon
- 17 November 2021. Interview AI and our future Raphael Alegria Silva and Nicolas Moreau, Lycée Notre Dame Sainte-Sophie.
- 12 November 2021, Keynote talk: AI & Arts. Workshop, organised by BattleRoyal Berlin, rethink Berlin, Esch 2022, and University Luxembourg.
- 11. November 2021, Keynote talk: Future of Living with AI and IA. Invitation by BNVKI, FACt talks. BNAIC/Benelearn 2021, Luxembourg.
- 20 October 2021, Keynote talk: EUNIC - EU National Institutes for Culture (organised by Jurij Krpan, Pau Waelder) The Future of Living, Panel, Day 2 - 20 October 2021, Brussels. See Video or on YouTube. The speech is a statement and part of the International Symposium "The Future of Living", supported by EUNIC - EU National Institutes of Culture. The event was under the patronage of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Parliament.
- 29 September 2021, Keynote Talk: Getting Creative - AI and Arts. AIFA - Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Arts.
- 22 July 2021. Interview The future of living with Jurij Krpan and Pau Waelder. See the video on Youtube
- 14 June 2021, Interview Duerchbléck Zukuf, elo!? with Zentrum fir poletesch Bildung. see YouTube here
- 5 May 2021, Interview + Video shooting: - 887 - AI&ART Ecosystem - AI&ART Pavilion on the future of Art and Intelligence.
- 22 April 2021, Girls Day, organised by FU Berlin. Der Mensch und die schlauen Maschinen. 22 April 2021, 08h40 - 10h00. Lecture.
- 18 March 2021, Chercheurs à l'école. Lecture at LAM Lycée des Arts et des Métiers.
- 25 February 2021, Keynote talk: Ist die Künstliche Intelligenz für oder gegen die Menschheit? organised by Commission luxembourgeoise pour la coopération avec l'UNESCO. Bibliothèque national du Luxembourg with Live Streaming. Radio 100,7. See also the press release in Chronicle.lu
- 13 January 2021, Interview mat Daniel Weyler: Schule der Zukunft – Mensch oder Roboter, welche Lehrkraft darf es denn sein?Zentrum fir politesch Bildung (zpb.lu). Duerchbléck. (N. 8, page 30; see pdf document here (page 30)).
- 11 December 2020, Keynote Talk: The potential of Language Technology and AI. Meeting of the European Language Resource Consortium (ELRC) 2020., Luxembourg.
- 9 December 2020. Invited Talk. Rotary Melbourne, Australia. Evening Meeting. See the YouTube video here: Deep Learning for the Arts
- 23 October 2020. Interview and Video shooting - 887 - AI&ART Pavilion. Esch 2022.
- 25 September 2020, Keynote Talk: AI & Arts University Luxembourg. Kickoff meeting Esch 2022.
- 9 July 2020. Christoph Schommer was part of a radio potcast in RTL Today: Insightful video on DeepFakes technology.
- 12 June 2020. Christoph Schommer was part of a radio potcast in Radio 100,7 (in German): Kënne Roboteren an Zukunft Mënschen ersetzen?
- 11 June 2020, mentioned in Tageblatt: 7. Kunst, künstliche Intelligenz – und ganz viel Pathos: Uni stellt Projekt zu Esch2022 vor. .
- 8 May 2020: Interview with RTL: DeepFakes
- 3 April 2020: Interview with Radio 100,7: AI and Digital Health
- 28/29 March 2020: Press Article by C. Schommer for the Luxemburger Wort: "Eine Doktorarbeit zu beginnen ist (relativ) leicht", page 10.
- 10 March 2020: 2 Doktorarbeiten zwischen Geist und Informatik. UL Report.
- 19 February 2020. Interview with Boris Hänssler. Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V. - idw. Hintergrundwissen zur Funktionsweise biometrischer Verfahren. 19 February 2020.
- 30 January 2020, Invited Participation at TV/RTL : RTL Kloertext. Wie kontrolléiert meng Daten? moderated by Caroline Mart. See RTL Kloertext
- 20 January 2020: Interview and Press Article; Cheryl Cadamuro, Revue.lu, Zweischneidiges Schwert"
- 16 December 2019: Wéi si se geduecht: Positiv? Negativ? Neutral? RTL Kultur news
- 13 November 2019; Interview mit Christoph Schommer durch Schüler einer 1GSO-Abschlussklasse des Lycée Nic-Biever Dudelange. Schülerwettbewerb der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum fir politesch Bildung in Luxemburg.
- 19 October 2019, Press Article. C. Schommer: KI für die Medizin. Luxemburger Wort.
- 25 September 2019 Keynote Talk: Life Science, PhD Days 2019, University Luxembourg. AI for Life Sciences.
- 20 May 2019. Interview with Audrey Somnard, Letzebuerger Journal: Ressources humaines & technologies avec focus sur le digital dans le secteur du recrutement.
- 25 April 2019, in Press Article by Birgit Pfaus-Ravida: Luxemburgish ganz Digital: "Schnëssen" und "Strips": So funktioniert moderne Sprachforschung an der Universität Luxemburg.
- 22/23 December 2018: Press Article/Luxemburger Wort by C. Schommer: Ein europäisches CERN für die Künstliche Intelligenz.
- 13 September 2018, Radio 100,7. Interview with Pit Walté: Künstliche Intelligenz
- 31 August 2018, Interview and Press Article with/by Pierre Leyers, Luxemburger Wort: Maschinen nach menschlichem Vorbild.
- 23 August 2018, Interview with Jessica Bauldry, Delano. Chatbot Technology. Maison Moderne.
- 17 May 2018, Panel. Séminaire du Bureau du Parlament Européen au Luxembourg: Le RGPD: une stratégie de gouvernance au-delà de la protection? Participants: Viviane Reding (Députée européenne), Tine A. Larsen (Présidente de la CNPD), Professeur Christoph Schommer et Docteur Andra Giurgui (Université de Luxembourg) ainsi que Karin Basenach (Directrice du Centre européen des consommateurs)
- 16 May 2018. Invited Talk/Evening Meeting. Luxemburgischer Ethikrat: Was ist Künstliche Intelligenz? Host: Jean-Claude Milmeister, Christel Baltes-Löhr.
- 24 March 2018. Biergerforum: Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz - Forum citoyen avec des députés européens Participants: Mady Delvaux-Stehres (European Parliament), Christoph Schommer (University Luxembourg) and 10 citizens of Luxembourg. See YouTube video here
- 28 January 2016: Sprachliche Informationsverarbeitung: Computerlinguistik und Digital Humanities. University of Cologne (invited by Prof Dr Juergen Rolshoven).
- 15 June 2006, Interview and Press Article with Florence Reinson, Paperjam: Interview: A la pointe de la science de l'information (page 75)
Publications, when I was at Industry (IBM R&D)
As an IT Architect with IBM R&D (1998 - 2001) and IBM Software Group (2001 - 2003) at- C. M. Andersen, S. Bayerl, G. Bent, J. Lee, C. Schommer: Mining your own Business. IBM Redbook Series, Vol. 1 (Retail). - ISBN 0738422940. IBM Press. 2001.
- C. M. Andersen, S. Bayerl, G. Bent, J. Lee, C. Schommer: Mining your own Business. IBM Redbook Series. Vol. 2 (Finance) - ISBN 0738422959. IBM Press. 2001.
- C. M. Andersen, S. Bayerl, G. Bent, J. Lee, C. Schommer: Mining your own Business. IBM Redbook Series. Vol. 3 - (Telecommunications). ISBN 0738422967. IBM Press. 2001.
- C. M. Andersen, S. Bayerl, G. Bent, J. Lee, C. Schommer: Mining your own Business. IBM Redbook Series. Vol. 4 (Healthcare) - ISBN 0738423025. IBM Press. 2001.
Book Chapters
- P. Gentsch, U. Mueller, C. Schommer:
Analytisches CRM in der Praxis: Vorgehensmodell, Praxisbeispiele und Erfolgsfaktoren . In Ahlert et al.: Customer Relationship Marketing im Handel - Strategien, Anwendungen, Erfahrungen. Springer Verlag, 2002. - C. Schommer, U. Mueller:
Data Mining im eCommerce: ein Fallbeispiel zur erweiterten Logfile-Analyse In HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Band 06/2001 Business Intelligence, Vol. 222. - C. Schommer, H. Muster, R. Grund:
Churn Prediction mit neuronalen Klassifikationsverfahren . In Neuronale Netze im Marketing-Management. Praxisorientierte Einfuehrung in modernes Data-Mining von Klaus-Peter Wiedmann und Frank Buckler. Gabler, zweite Auflage 2003, p 275. ISBN: 978-3409216739.
Industrial Papers
- C. Schommer:
Discovering Fraud Behaviour in Call Detailed Records . SecDay - 2010 Grande Region Security and Reliability Day. Saarbruecken 2010. - W. Mayer, C. Schommer:
Mobile Patient Record Management through DB2 Everyplace In: Mobile Computing in Medicine, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002. Bibtex - C. Schommer, H.D. Wehle:
From VSE/ESA data to Business Intelligence VSE Newsletter G225-4508-21, November 2000, published in VDI-Newsletter 2000. - T. Bollinger, C. Schommer, H. D. Wehle:
Profitabler Einsatz von Data Mining im Customer Relationship am Beispiel der Investitionsgueterindustrie In: VDI-Berichte, Band 1381 Computational Intelligence - Neuronale Netze - Evolutionaere Algorithmen - Fuzzy Control im industriellen Einsatz. 2000. - T. Bollinger, C. Schommer, H.D. Wehle:
Vorhersage von Lieferzeiten . IS Report - Zeitschrift fuer betriebswirtschaftliche Informationssysteme. 4. Jahrgang, 6/2000. - C. Schommer: Data Mining:
die Suche nach versteckten Informationen im Data Warehouse Proceedings 7. Kolloquium Software - Entwicklungen, Methoden, Werkzeuge. Ostfildern, September 1997.
- C. Schommer: IBM Intelligent Miner for Data. University of Potsdam, Dept. of Computer Science. May 30, 2002.
- C. Schommer: Application of Data Mining in Medicine, AIME 2001, European Society for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Cascais, Portugal, 2001.
- S. Bayerl, C. Schommer: Mining in eCommerce Systems, 12th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), 2000, Stockholm, Sweden
Some impressions

28 June 2023: Les apprentissages face aux defis de l'intelligence artificielle Round Table, organised by Chambre de Commerce. Contact
: Bérengère Beffort, Alexandra Tosello, Senior Advisor.